Emerging icon

you are an emerging icon

People tell you “You have amazing energy” all the time.

You know you want fame and fortune eventually, but you want to be celebrated for your talents now.

You enjoy being admired but also tend to shy away from the spotlight and choose spaces where you can co-lead with a mentor.

…which also means sharing the credit and feeling held back.

You know you want to move on from this dynamic and do your own thing.


You are hesitant to move on without the person you have considered your mentor for several months, or perhaps years.

You feel scared to outshine them as you break away and carve out your own unique path.

It’s not your fault that you’re feeling this way.

It’s the natural evolution of the emerging icon to outgrow the people who have helped you.

It’s okay to feel hesitancy and fear around it because you’ve never taken a risk quite like this before.

Of course, you’re going to feel these emotions.

Your emotions are NOT a problem, as they will serve as a catalyst for the next level of your creativity.

breaking away doesn’t have to be a big upheaval.

Breaking away from your mentor doesn’t have to feel like a big upheaval of your resources & energy.

You can go out on your own without needing anyone to catch you if you fall.

…and just because you’re going to go out on your own does NOT mean you’re not going to be a part of a community or lead your own community.

But, in order to do that…..

You need to step out of the shadow of your mentor.

…and be okay with the possibility of outshining them.

You might have a mentor who’s a mother-like figure that on one hand, says they support you and that you’re a beautifully talented person, but also says things like:

  • “You’re not aligned with your truth if your actions don’t match your message.”

  • “You’re not truly empowered if you’re not making big money.”

  • “You’re not really embodied if you’re posting on Facebook and Instagram all the time.”

You want to teach things your way.

You’re tired of pretending you’re learning something new when you’re being a participant, because you know deep down that you KNOW this stuff.

You want to create something but are worried about what your mentor is going to think about it.

You feel like you have watchful eyes over you.

You’re afraid they’ll reject/criticize what you’re creating. As a result, you end up not creating and laying low.

Even when you have done a TON of healing work around it already, without really knowing it’s happening…

You are re-creating the Mother Wound.

This is not a bad thing. It’s a natural part of your course as an emerging leader in the spiritually conscious & wellness space.

You might have worked through the Mother Wound in a healing-centered capacity already; such as therapy or coaching, embodiment training, yoga classes, meditation courses, or certifications…

….but you’re being called on to work on this in a way you NEVER have before.

That is exactly where I was when I graduated from a feminine embodiment certification training in 2019.

When I was in the program, I felt a heightened sense of self-consciousness as I immediately launched my embodiment coaching program BEFORE I received the certification.

I felt like I had no time to waste – I had just been laid off from my job and believed I needed to make money right away.

As I was a TV/movie background actress when I was a child, showing up on video and posing for photos came easily to me.

I enjoyed finally having the embodied confidence in my healing and sobriety to shine my light as a natural entertainer/performer on social media.

Within a few weeks, I was singled out and criticized – more than once– by my mentor in virtual group sessions for the way I was presenting myself and my offerings. 

At the same time…

My mom was competing for attention from me and cyberstalking my online presence as I was attempting to break away to start my own business.

My new endeavor was, in part, an effort to detach myself from a lifetime of emotional and financial enmeshment with her, for good. 

Although I believed I had been healing the relationship with my mom in my first year of sobriety…

…and that my mentor had my best interest in mind since I had invested around $6k in their program…

I felt like I had her AND my mentors’ eyes on me at all times. 

Up until that point, I believed I had healed from past trauma with sobriety, cognitive behavioral therapy, a 200-hour embodiment yoga teacher training certification, and hiring a TED Talk speaking coach to break out of my shell.

Little did I know, I had A LOT more to heal from behind the scenes.

….and it wasn’t a bad thing, at all, once I slowed down my roll while simultaneously showing up brightly in both online and offline spaces like I never had before.

In my journey to emerging as a leader, I learned how to honor my calling of performing & entertaining as a way to successfully sell coaching while staying true to my natural rhythms & gut intuition.

I accepted I give off “main character” vibes naturally without even trying, and my presentation will displease some and immensely, positively impact many.

As a result, I emerged as a leader in my professional networking groups and the local wellness scene.

Before the pandemic, I taught feminine embodiment classes in my backyard and held leadership workshops for business leaders in Los Angeles; and was asked to speak at a women’s financial empowerment conference where I presented my 10-minute signature talk — Beautiful Thought Leaders— to roaring applause & a standing ovation from the audience.

I had several women coming up to me, tears streaming down their faces, telling me how much my story moved & inspired them.

From then on, I was known as the Queen of Speaking on Live Video in my professional circles during the height of the pandemic, as well as a Dancing Queen twirling like a pop star on my social media during a time of immense uncertainty.

My videos and posts set the tone and narrative for hot-topic conversations about substance abuse recovery, healing from ancestral trauma, breaking away from abusive power dynamics, and of course, dancing my tushie off whenever I had the chance.

I carried this energy into deep grief healing after my mom passed away from pancreatic cancer in June 2021, and as I made a move 300 miles away to San Francisco for a 6 figure job — double the income that I was making before the pandemic — and a different lifestyle.


What happened in the previous embodiment training happened AGAIN with a totally different facilitator, who had said something similar along those lines in a 1:1 session; and a group session where a colleague questioned the way I attract attention to myself to sell coaching.

I felt hurt, betrayed, and BEYOND frustrated about the comments made about my style, look & presentation.

…especially because the investments into my coaching business were adding up to about $20k at this point.

I felt like I was struggling to make rent and bills, and kept going into debt after investing in program after program.

…only to feel humiliated & like I was being singled out for doing EXACTLY what I signed up to do.

While I allowed myself to feel my shame, anger, and frustration; I didn’t wallow in them and sink into a pit of despair.

I turned every drop of haterade into a magically binding potion of spellwork to multiply my manifestations by embodying MORE what I believed I was being accused of presenting myself as: a booty-shaking hussy, a histrionic pop diva, a show-off wannabe Barbie Doll / Kardashian sister.

As a result of owning who I am and what I am truly about, ALL of it, beyond the social media posts…

I made a name for myself VERY quickly as an embodiment coach and leader in the spiritually conscious community of the Bay Area and cultivated an intimately dedicated group of followers who felt motivated, empowered, and inspired by the bold moves I was making; both digitally and in-person.

After dipping my toes into experimenting with my look, style, and different ways of presenting myself…

My true essence of being an iconic, bold force of nature came fully back to life after three decades of pushing it down to avoid bullying & rejection.

It all came from one core practiced belief repeated consistently while finding evidence for it over & over again:

“I am an icon.”

This is the foundational belief birthing the program helping emerging icons, like you, take your rightful place in the spotlight in what is now your baddie icon era.


The Emerging Icon 3-month Coaching Program

Within 3 months, you’ll go from:

  • Co-leading circles and events to leading your own sold-out events teaching your own concepts.

  • People saying “She has so much potential, why hasn’t she broken through yet?” to people DECLARING you are an icon, and seeing you as an influential figure in your circles.

  • Believing fame and fortune are far away to having a deeply felt sense both are ABSOLUTELY inevitable and feeling the freedom to enjoy yourself on the way there.

  • Feeling anxious and hypervigilant around your mentor, anticipating they are going to criticize you to staying in your own lane, feeling embodied confidence as you create your own following — to the point where you don’t even notice their eyes anymore.

Here is a testimonial from Hannah E., Author and Writing Coach (hannahoeko.com) about what it was like working with me.

Before working with Amber, my biggest challenge was believing that I was “doing it wrong”– life, business, love, everything. And believing I had to be someone else (more tidy, less alternative, less smart, sarcastic, Black) to be successful.

It made me feel afraid and full of a lot of self-judgment. I never felt satisfied because I believed I could have done it better and there was some perfect way just out of reach. I felt like I was spinning my wheels.

Through example and holding, I had support to meet the hard places without letting them have the final word. I was allowed to be ME. I could show up big. I could use each feeling as a way to honor the honesty inside of me. I stopped suppressing and waiting for some perfect day.

Now, I have SO much more engagement on social media and people who actually quote my posts back to me! People reach out to me (for consults) without me even trying. I feel way less attached to results. My website copy reflects me and how I speak.

I earned money as a writing workshop leader and showed up for people no matter how big or small the class. I quit my soul-sucking chatbot job and went on a retreat where I mostly just slept–and when the guilt and fear showed up, I allowed them.

Through our coaching together, I found I really don’t have to wait for anything. How every feeling (anger, irritation, sadness) is only a messenger. How deeply I was conflating money with self-worth AND how possible it is for me to make money in my own unique way. I feel way less weird about money, speaking about money, honoring my unique money wealth.

Now, I see myself as a leader in my current circle. I had this deep-seated insecurity that I wanted to escape by escaping who I was, but now I see that I can value the people around me and who I am right now. This is a blessing for someone who always believed she needed to be someone and somewhere else.

With our coaching together, I learned how to honor my body. Checking in and breathing through the hard places with caring attention, and just always coming back to the idea that my wound is a gift. I do not need to feel good or enthusiastic to do well.

I learned more about my codependent aspects of myself and how deeply I wait for others to name me. I learned deeply about my self-doubt and how to come back to myself. I also learned to trust my vision and to see myself as a leader.

If you’re on the fence about coaching with Amber, I’d say lean into your soul story. It’s okay to need help.

Your coach doesn’t have to 100% get every single thing about you to help you catapult to a greater vision of yourself.

It’s not about you copying anyone, it’s about someone witnessing you in your ultimate star power and seducing you into this most expansive self.

Invest now and greatly reduce all the mind drama of who you thought you had to be to make big impact and big money.

Here’s what it takes to emerge as an icon.

This isn’t about abandoning people who have helped you, calling them out, or burning bridges.

It’s about seeing that you’re in a completely different category.

To do this, you need to:

Shift the focus from them and how they do things to creating your OWN processes, frameworks, and methods without needing a seal of approval from anyone.

Embrace your own look and have fun with the ways you present yourself WITHOUT meticulously planning out every detail.

See yourself as an influential leader and trailblazer before anyone tells you you are.

When you embody these skills, you become the pop culture icon you’ve ALWAYS wanted to be since you were a child.

That’s exactly what we work through together in Emerging Icon.

Here’s how it breaks down:

Weekly 1:1 coaching calls 3 times a month for 3 months (1 week/month for integration, or moon cycle.)

9 sessions total.

Email /voice message support

$1500 USD

Here’s what a financial wellness coach had to say about working with me:

Divorce knocks some people off their feet, but with Amber’s coaching, I used it as a catalyst for my business & personal growth, as well as healing.

With our coaching together, I went from never believing I could go past the $25k/year mark in my part-time advising to believing I am a natural saleswoman, a leader, and a 6 figure earner.

I am a very private person and don’t have any girlfriends to talk to about personal matters.

Coaching with Amber meant being vulnerable in a way I have never been before.

This meant opening up to my prospect and colleagues in smaller ways that didn’t seem as scary as it used to after sharing inside of our sessions.

I grew my business & my sales team in a matter of months in ways I have never done before — now EVERYONE at work is taking notice of me. I’m receiving the recognition I knew I always deserved.

Colleagues I’ve known for a decade are seeing me bloom & wondering what my secret is. (it’s coaching with Amber!)

I honestly didn’t think I had the money at first but after Amber showed me a vision of the possibilities of emerging as a leader breaking away from the people holding me back, I felt determined to find a way.

I signed up for a Paypal investment plan because I decided I was worth it and it was my time to shine after 20 years of feeling invisible in a loveless marriage & a stagnant job.

The investment to coach with Amber is a drop in the bucket compared to what I’m creating for myself for a lifetime now.


Feeling celebrated, admired, and respected by your peers, colleagues AND your mentor as you are feeling more confident when you are showing up on social media and in-person events.

…so when you walk into ANY space, you are the strongest energy in the room and influencing others WITHOUT having to be the loudest or most boisterous.

Feeling bold and courageous to take your work to bigger platforms eventually; appearing on television to share your story, being on a best-seller list and internationally recognized.

…so when The Oprah Winfrey Network calls, as it did for my client after we coached together, you feel ready for your closeup without ANY hesitation.

Feeling fearless and self-assured about submitting your creative work to a competition, auditioning for a show like Saturday Night Live, or pitching your movie idea.

….knowing your energy will magnetize the right people at the right time AND feel less pressure to be the next bigger, better version of yourself as you know deep within your soul….

You’ve made it, already.

There is no more invisible ladder to climb.

You’ve BEEN ready for this.

You’ve felt deeply, inside your bones for several years that you were meant to be iconic in this lifetime.

You deserve to feel acknowledged and recognized for your gifts.

You deserve to witness how you are already impacting the world with your energy AND multiply that without feeling self-conscious about someone nitpicking your every move.

You had dreams when you began this journey.

You wanted to be in the spotlight. You still do.

That’s why you started out on the healing path in the first place.

Just because you had a few disruptions doesn’t mean your dreams need to take a backseat.

You don’t have to wait to become the Emerging Icon.

You are there, right now.

It’s time to claim it.

You’ve invested in ALL the programs, courses and teachings.

You’ve shown up for yourself in a multitude of ways, already.

You have lived life for everyone else behind-the-scenes, up until this point.

You know there are people LESS talented than you out there getting more credit than you are, right now.

Now it’s your turn.

You’ve already cut out toxicities in your life holding you back in your past.

You’ve already exemplified the kind of energy you want to be.

Now it’s your time to claim it.

Consider this the last dragon to slay on your journey as you ground yourself in your existing success and achievements.

….and slay you will, Queen.

When you say you want to get something done, as Emerging Icon, you will.

You won’t ever worry about not practicing what you teach….

You become what you teach as you feel SO deeply connected to this process.

You have already overcome SO many hurdles.

This is not yet another obstacle.

You may think, at times, you’re at a bottom…

…but you are on the precipice of something truly remarkable as an emerging, influential figure.

You were born worthy of the spotlight.

Now it’s your time to shine.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Emerging Icon:

How do I know that we won’t replicate this same mentor dynamic with our coaching together?

If it does come up, we’re going to be conscious of it. With my embodiment training, I know when these attachment styles come up. We will work through it with honesty, integrity, and transparency.

What if I’m just not there yet?

It’s okay to feel like you’re just not “there” yet — and you’re allowed to enter into this coaching container feeling this way. When we coach together, you cultivate and develop that skill of finding evidence for why you’re already there.

When you find evidence for something, you naturally believe it more consistently, take action from that place and create new results; for a lifetime.

How can I still be this icon if I’m still going to the drive-thru eating In & Out animal-style fries at 1 am / eating ice cream with the shades drawn like a feral gremlin on Sunday afternoons?

You can be an icon and still have habits that don’t exemplify what you see as the IG picture-perfect Spiritual Boss Ass Babe.

That’s a crucial part of believing you are an icon — you can do what you want simply because you can.

You are even more iconic and relatable when you’re doing what you want. Your habits do NOT define your icon status.

I want to coach with you but I don’t want to lose my creativity in the process. What if our coaching shifts me in a direction I don’t want to go?

Our focal point is you taking the reigns of your creative direction, always. If the coaching ever goes in ANY direction you don’t wish for it to go, you are allowed to say when something doesn’t resonate or land with you so we can shift our focus to what does.

I want to invest in coaching together but I worry I will feel like I am getting “too big for my britches” if I do. What if I fail hard and never forgive myself?

When you are an emerging icon, leader or influential of any kind; you are ALWAYS going to have That Moment of feeling like “oh shit…maybe this is too much.”

It is inevitable. Research the come-up of ANY of your idols and guarantee each and every single one had a moment along those lines.

When we coach together, you will cultivate the skill of “failing upward” — which means learning from each failure to build success.

There’s nothing wrong with failing in any case, and our main goal above all us will be for you to invite in a ton of self-compassion practicing ALL the healing tools you already have, and the ones you are learning in our time together.

I want to work with you AND I want to break away from my mentor, but I am concerned my network may shrink and I won’t know the right people to moving forward. What happens then?

It’s OK to believe you will be lost without your mentor. That is what has kept you tied to them, up until this point.

When you see you can cultivate your own following as a leader WITHOUT feeling like you have a watchful eye over you, that tie slowly but surely falls away naturally on its own.

Think of it as shedding a layer of the armor that has supported and protected you up until now, but is not needed any longer.

You still feel supported and protected in a different way than before.

As a result, your following will come to YOU.

That’s what we focus on, more than knowing the “right” people.

I want to do this, but I don’t think I can be like you. Can we still coach together?

There’s enough room for everyone to get the attention they want. You have your own style to bring to your own following.

I want to do this, and I want to be like you. Can you just teach me how to be like you?

As I mentioned above, there’s MORE than enough room for everyone — that includes YOUR special sauce.

You don’t have to be like me to experience success in my program, or otherwise. You have your own unique flavor to your emergence as an iconic leader, and we will bring that out little by little, bit by bit.